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ICT60220 | Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Transnat)

Learn skills, confidence and become job-ready to step up into your future IT role

This qualification reflects the role of individuals in a variety of information and communications technology (ICT) roles who have significant experience in specialist technical skills, or managerial business and people management skills.

Individuals in these roles carry out complex tasks in a specialist field, working independently, leading a team or a strategic direction of a business. They apply their skills across a wide range of industries and business functions, or as a business owner (sole trader/contractor).

ICT60220 | Advanced Diploma of Information Technology (Transnat)

The skills required for these roles may include, but are not restricted to:

  • advanced data management information: creating, designing and monitoring complex systems that store data, and optimising organisational knowledge management
  • cyber security: protecting sensitive data and information through security architecture, and developing disaster recovery and contingency plans
  • full stack web development: building advanced user interfaces, developing representational state transfer application program interfaces (REST APIs) and designing user experience solutions
  • further programming: applying advanced ICT languages to maintain security and manage data
  • IT strategy and organisational development: managing and communicating strategic ICT business solutions
  • systems development and analysis: modelling and testing data objects, data processes and preferred ICT system solutions
  • telecommunications network engineering: managing logistics, organisational specifications, regulations and legislative requirements across network projects.

Successful completion of all units of competency will result in the award of a nationally recognised Advanced Diploma of Information Technology from the Information and Communications Technology . Participants who do not successfully complete the full program will be issued with a nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for any of the unit/s of competency they have been deemed competent in. Recognition is available for this qualification – see the Participant Handbook or the Recognition Process page for more information.

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Core Units

Elective Units

BSI Learning commitment

No matter the size of your business, you will be able to benefit from signing up with BSI Learning today.

Subsidised Funding

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government under Smart & Skilled (NSW residents only). For more information and eligibility requirements see

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